Memories Of Solo
Born in the rescue, Solo, from the minute of opening your eyes you were determined to live a ‘life of mischief and naughtiness’.
Such a bundle of dynamite waiting on the line to explode at any second.
What a song and dance you led us whenever you could grab the opportunity.
You had to be separated from your siblings at a very early age, as you’d never let them sleep!
You lived your life with your mum, the only dog that could ever keep you in check, and sometimes that was quite a task.
Up and down and round and round the kennels you’d go, if you didn’t want to go into your bed, it was a real run-around.
You had a mind of your own and did exactly what you wanted. What a funny girl you were.
We never expected you to fall into such a terrible illness, an illness that took our mischievous girl Solo away from us. The girl that with her funny stubbornness and strong mind of her own, it turned you into a quiet and fragile lady who needed lots of cuddles and reassuring words. Words with the hope that you would beat your illness, but we knew the odds were against you.
Solo, you wagged your tail when you had your visit from the best vet you could possibly have. You never complained with you blood test, and we had hope.
Two weeks down the line, suddenly within hours, that hope was taken and you passed away in your bed with your mum beside you.
Yes you made sure that you saw Dawn and myself before you quietly left us.
There will never be another you, there’s mischief and naughtiness in everyone’s and everything’s heart and you had a big piece in yours.
You will be remembered for your character and always remembered with love.
RIP our lovely little mischief Solo xx
(Solo - who passed away on 23rd December 2017)
Solo the mischief
Solo & her mum Opal
Solo & Dawn when Solo needed her cuddles xx