Loss of Our Precious Opal at 22 Years old
It is at times like this that we find it so very hard to say goodbye to such wonderful old timers!
Opal came into kennel some 20 years ago and she was tried in a home along with her mother Gem who had been brought in with her but it did not work out - read the Opal & Gem story on our website as these 2 were quite a pair of monkeys!
Opal passing was quick and although she was old, we never expected it as she always acted like a pup!
That is my part in this over... Opal was most certainly Karens girl and was her last remaining girl from Brackenholme in Selby. Karen will do a write up about Opal but for all those who sponsored her over the years, we and Opal thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
She is missed like you cannot imagine! xxx
A Young Opal
Opal with her mum Gem
Opal at 22