Blue is a 23 year old ex race horse that we took on as no horse sanctuary would take her. We were contacted about this horse that was not being properly cared for and we tried and tried along with this lady to get her into a sanctuary after the owner agreed to let her go as had no time for the horse and was not looking after her.
After trying without success we felt we had no choice, as we had one spare stable although it was full of hay and feed! But we had to take Blue. And it was a good job we did as when she arrived, we had not seen anything like it. She was a total starvation case. She was so thin you could see every bone and she hair was so long we thought she had cushings disease. She was unrecognisable as a once thoroughbred race horse! We got the vet out straight away and a long journey started to nurse Blue back to health. This had to be done very slowly. Luckily, Blue did not have cushings. Her hair was so long due to the neglect of being left out in all weathers with no cover, no regular food or water.
Blue has only been with us a mater of a few months and you would not believe the difference. Our vet cannot believe it is the same horse. She looks amazing. But it has taken it’s toll. We had to think long and hard as we are a Greyhound Rescue who also rescue cats as they found us. But, this horse also found us as other have. I am sure many other animals will now too! We had no choice but to take Blue. She is a living creature who could not fend for herself. She was neglected, staved of food, water and shelter. She would had died. There is no doubt about that.
We rescue those that need us. She also gave her all to the racing industry. This leads me on to what happened next….. One of our other horses, Quina became devastatingly ill with the most severe case of chronic laminitis.