Human Attacked Helsin, one of our Kennel dogs.
Helsin arrived with us with his brother Drac from being saved from the Romanian circus.
Both of them were traumatised by the treatment in the way that circus dogs are trained.
These dogs were an urgent request to get them to safety and we quickly had to convert a stable with fencing round to accommodate both dogs.
Spending hours in the summer evenings with these beautiful dogs, we were well aware that they were going to have problems forgetting their treatment as circus dogs.
We discouraged them from doing acts as we wanted them to forget they had to do tricks and become relaxed and not be afraid.
Very slowly they became more like dogs without the fear. That was so beautiful to see.
We moved them into the indoor kennels in time for the colder weather.
They were happy! And soon realised they were cared for and loved.
We realised because of the safety of our kennels and the love they received they would never want to be rehomed and this was their safety home with people they could trust.
Being a big old fashioned horror movie fanatic, I named them Drac & Helsin. You know Christopher Lee, Vincent Price, Peter Cushing etc. Well, you will if you are in your 60’s!
Anyway these two lovely dogs have been here years.
OK – so that’s the story so far.
Now this story changes.
On the afternoon of Friday 7th June 2024 Helsin was not himself. He was walking with limp and assumed he had banged his leg. Helsin always does a ‘twirl when he comes in but that afternoon he ‘walked his twirl’.
But this strange slowing carried on over the next few days slowly getting worse slowing down and after 3 or 4 days Helsin became very ill not eating, not wanting to go out of his kennel for his run, there was nothing in him but depression and pain. He started to swell up slowly and we made a vets appointment for him. On that morning we took him out of the kennel and a very small piercing appeared where his testicles would be and had begun weeping. He was treated and we were advised he had an infection and the fluid needed to flow out so to keep open.
The next day he was black and blue around his stomach and pen!s.
He was rushed back to the vets for X-Rays and examinations under anesthetic.
Shocked and absolutely stunned – numb - is the only way to describe our feelings when our vet told us the results where Helsin had been stabbed in the area mentioned and whatever had been used was used with great force and entered his body 5 inches.
It had been a militias attack by a human and possibly a sexually motivated attack.
Shell shocked at all the results, traumatised and beyond upset. We just couldn’t get our heads around this.
Whilst Helsin seemed to be on borrowed time taking it one day at a time and seriously ill was our vets words.
He became worse, he wouldn’t eat, drink, walk. He had nothing left but pain and fear.
But by hook or by crook Helsin must survive. Drac was desperate when Helsin went to the vets, so we had 2 dogs that needed each other to live. They had been through so much to part through the death of one.
Helsin was so ill, I believe he was giving in. Oh no, we couldn’t allow this.
Not eating, we decided the old fashioned remedy – good old beef tea to get his appetite interested. It worked. He drank it with bits of steak in.
Gradually, he ate more, it took a while but it worked. His stomach was black and a then massive lump appeared. This could only be an abscess. This was awful for him and oh yes it burst and it was horrendous but gave him pain relief.
I have explained Helsin’s illness but not given the reasons he has nearly died.
Well, Helsin was sexually abused possibly with a pair of scissors inserted into where his testicles should be up 5 inches into his pen!s and stomach and towards his groin.
We are devastated, although Helsin will survive his injuries, caused by human evilness, we don’t yet know how long mentally this will take Helsin to recover or his brother Drac who witness the attack along with some of the other kennel dogs.
In 46 years of doing this – we are totally beside ourselves. We have taken further steps with security and even though we had cctv and the site is manned it just shows that people out there are extremely disturbed and we used to believe in karma but that was one of our beautiful sweet babies. Karma can take too long.
To the person who did this
May you rot in hell – This is with the police – You know who you are - let us hope they get you first
Karen & Dawn Schultz
One of Helsins injuries
Playful times with Drac and Helsin before he was attacked
Drac and Helsin xxx Who would do this?