Meet Barney
Barney is a 6 year old male greyhound who loves everyone and everything! He is very good on the lead and has been handled by children. He is a very friendly boy and will make a fantastic family pet.
If you think you have what it takes to make the rest of Barneys life complete, then please contact Karen or Dawn on 07811 296029 or email.
Thank you
Meet Frosty
Meet Frosty
Frosty is a 4 yrs old very, very loving greyhound who will make a wonderful companion. He loves attention any food and going for walks. He is due in soon to greyhound rescue and we are looking to get him re-home as soon as possible.
He will be an excellent sofa buddy for you, so if you are thinking about a greyhound then stop thinking and just go for it! They are just adorable!
If you think you can make Frostys' dreams of a new life come true then please contact Karen or Dawn on 07811 296029 or email.
It is very important to our rescue that our greyhounds get adopted into a lovely family life, and Buster is such a well deserving example of this...
A Forever Home Needed For Buster.
It is very important to our rescue that our greyhounds get adopted into a lovely family life, and Buster is such a well deserving example of this. He has been at the kennels for 15 months and because he is such a lovely dog, we are desperate for him to find that special family.
Buster was actually saved from being put to sleep at the track…Not fast enough. That’s the reason. He was brought to us by the trainer who saved him.
We have found him to be so loving and we are finding it so sad that he has been here for so long. Some of our greyhounds are here for life because they have issues with the outside world but Buster has no issues and he loves people. He is a very clean dog with a bit of fun about him.
What we don’t want is for him to spend the rest of his life in kennels as it would be such a waste when he has such a lot to give.
So please, if you think you can offer a very special greyhound a place in your life, where we are sure that you will get a lot of love back from him, then please contact us.
Thank you.
We are delighted to announce that Buster has finally found his new home! And he is a big, happy boy!
Snooze time.
Thunder is a 6 year old Brindle male with a lovely personality...
Thunder is a 6 year old Brindle male.
Thunder has a lovely personality; he is currently housed with a bitch that he gets on fine with. He walks very well on the lead and he does get walked regularly. He doesn’t pull or jump around at all. He is a very pleasant boy.
Thunder would be an addition to anyone’s settee. He is now looking for his forever home to relax and take it easy and be loved.
If you think you have what Thunder is looking for, then please contact us as soon as possible.
Thunder has now been re-homed, re-named "Wolfie" & can be seen enjoying some quality snooze time in his new home.
Bullseye - has been Re-homed!
A friendly boy with a little loveheart...
Meet Bullseye.
(Bullseye has been re-homed
He is a 3 year old ex racing greyhound who is in need of a really comfy sofa!
He is a very, very handsome guy and turns the heads of everyone! Especially with his little loveheart and daimond markings.
A very easy boy to fall in love with, very friendly and is kennelled with a bitch at the moment.
A very lovable boy.
Would be happy to go with a female or on his own – no cats as not cat tested.
If you thing you have what it takes to walk alongside this good looking young man, and not get jelous of all the attention being on him and not you, then please call us on 07811 296029 or email
Laid back Jake loves the ladies...
Meet Jake - Now Rehomed
Jake is a 3 and half year old ex racer ready for re-homing.
He is extremely laid back, if fact so laid back he can hardly be bothered to get up!
He really needs company does Jakes so we are looking to re-home him either with a bitch or to someone who already has a bitch. He loves his female companions.
He also loves his food!
If you think you can help by re-homing Jake (or Jake and a female) then please call 07811 296029 or email
Bob - Has been Rehomed
Laid back and lovely Bob needs somewhere to chill...
Meet Bob! Has been rehomed
Bob is a 4 year old Ex Racer who is very laid back and brilliant in every way.
He is good with everyone and everybody loves Bob. He is one of the most handsome, stunning black males ever! And, a true gentleman! He walks perfect on the lead, eats well and is good with all the other greyhounds.
He loves to lay in the paddock, chilling out, sun worshipping!
You really don’t know you have him!
A very kind boy.
If you are interested in sunbathing with Bob and maybe adopting Bob, then please contact 07811 296029 or email
Waggy tailed happy boy...
Otis has been rehomed to Charlotte! And he is HER dog!
Otis went to his new home on Sunday 30th July 2017 and is now with his new very proud owner Charlotte who absolutely loves Otis to bits!
Well this young man, like many before him has certainly landed on his paws! He knew straight away she had come for him!!! He spoke to her as soon as she arrived at the kennels.
On arrival at his new home Otis took no time at all in settling in and checking out his new surroundings with Charlottes' dad - (who works for the lift company Otis) , he was straight into the garage with him at his side having a nosey, then on into the kitchen to Charlottes' mum to check out his treat cupboard (which his noticed straight away)!
On the rehoming photos' we asked if they would all like to gather for the pictures to which we were quickly put right by Charlotte that Otis was HER dog and that she would be in the picture ahaha!!! Maybe on day the others may get a look in Otis!! But you are truly loved!!!
Thank you Charlotte (and your lovely family ahaha) for making Otis's life a happy one.
Karen is looking forward to the updates as we all are!!! We all miss you Otis but as we know - you have your life ahead of you now with your special family. And...That is what it is all about young man xxx Be happy boy - we know you will be xxx
Karen & Dawn & all your kennel mates at the rescue xxx
(Meet Otis
Otis is a 3 and half year old ex racer who is kenneled with one of our ladies.
He is a very good looking boy and is fantastic with all females.
This lad is always wagging his tail and a very happy chap.
He will make a brilliant pet and will be a great companion to a female dog.
If you are as happy as Otis and want more information on whether you are happy enough to adopt him please call 07811 296029 or email
Tina is a very happy dog who will live alongside a male...
Meet Tina
A beautiful female greyhound – ex racer.
A very stunning girl with unusual markings – like ‘vicar of Dibley’!
She is a very happy young lady and is in with a male at the moment so can either be adopted alone or with a male.
We're glad to say Tina has been adopted now. x
Pixie - Has been Rehomed
Pixie is a shy girl who loves belly-tickles...
Meet Pixie - Pixie has been rehomed
Pixie is a blue female, 2 and half year old ex racing greyhound.
She can be a little shy to start with but she is in no way nervous. She will just lay down and let you tickle her belly!
Pixie is a little playful girl and once she gets to know you she beams with happiness at the attention she is given. She enjoys company of humans and other male dogs so can be an only dog or in a pair.
She is a really lovely little girl and needs that special home as soon as possible so she can grow in confidence and enjoy a full and happy family life.
If you also like to lay down and have your belly tickled and are willing to howl along with Pixie, then please contact 07811 296029 or email or call 07811 296029 for more information on adopting her.
Alan is a big, well behaved softy boy. You already knew that with those big soft eyes...
Meet Alan
Yes this is Alan!
Alan (and I have to keep using his name)! – he is a big softy! He loves people but he can be a bit shy sometimes!
He loves to play and likes to spend time throwing things around and chasing them!
He loves to be cuddled. He has always been kennelled on his own because he does prefer his own space in his kennel.
He is great out and about with other dogs but he would be better suited as an only dog with him preferring his own space indoors.
If you think you would love to be cuddled by Alan and would like to try and catch his toys before he does then please call 07811 296029 or email
Buddy is a cheeky loving boy...
Meet Buddy!
Buddy is a very loving young male greyhound.
He is 3 and half years old and an ex racer.
He does like to jump up and make a fuss of you and he is loved by everyone.
He has always been kennelled alone so, although he's not aggressive by any means he prefers his own space.
He needs to be an only pet so he can give you his full attention and know he's your star boy!
He is a cheeky chappy!
If you love a fuss and are as cheeky as Buddy and would like a new Buddy then please call 07811 296029 or email
Cushie - now Arthur
Cushie is a friendly little fella who has just finished racing....
This is Cushie. He is a small male greyhound just coming out of racing.
He is 2 and a half years old and is a sweet loving boy and is looking for his forever home.
He's an extremely friendly boy and will make a great pet.
If you think you could give Cushie a good happy loving home, then please contact the rescue 07811 296029 or email
Not cat tested so please no cat owners. Thank you.
Storm is a little pup that was found wandering the streets...
Storm is an 8 month old Greyhound Cross pup.
Storm was found wondering the streets on 27th December 2015. He had one fractured front leg and his other front one also got a hairline fracture due to neglect and malnutrition and so his bones were still very soft and under developed. These issues have been treated and he has been tested for varies problems with bones and all is fine.
He has just had to have crate rest and is now on small walks but is not allowed to play hard or be jumping about for a while still, maybe about another 2 months to make sure he is completly fine.
We need somebody who is going to give him the love and care he deserves as he has had such a poor start to his life. He will make somebody a really lovely pet.
The lady who has him now is the lady who found him and named him ‘Storm’ as he was found in a storm. She took him in but knew she could not keep him as she has 3 other dogs already.
She tried varies rescue centres including RSPCA and Dogs Trust and nobody would take this little lad.
He is good with her cat and other dogs, friendly with people. He has not really been in contact with children so we do not know on that one. He has been nose to nose with her rbbits and not bothered at all. He is a kind little boy and just needs a lot of love and TLC.
We desperately need someone to come forward to take this boy on. He will make a full recovery and will fill you life with love.
It is so sad when people just dump these dogs but he must have been in so much pain. Thanks to kindness of this lady, he was saved.
If you can give Storm that forever home and safety, love and care, then please contact the rescue on 07811 296029 or email us. Prefrebly no children or other pets as needs to be kept quiet for a while.
Thank you
Nipper and Betty
Nipper is a 3 & half year old male greyhound and Betty is a 3 Year old female greyhound
Nipper is a 3 & half year old male greyhound and Betty is a 3 Year old female greyhound.
Nipper is black with a bit of white and Betty is white and black and as they are kennelled together, they are ‘very much in love’!
They are both always happy to see you, wagging their tails and have lovely temperaments. Karen wants to re-home these two wonderful greyhounds together as they are perfect for each other and it would be a shame for Nipper to lose Betty as he loves his girl.
To be honest, it you are taking one greyhound…you may as well have two! They are such an easy breed. These two will keep each other company too, whilst you are out.
They are desperately looking for their forever home. We must help these two stay together, so if anybody thinks they are right for Nipper & Betty, who are waiting to just love you and make your life as special then contact us via email or on 07811 296029. – You will never look back. X
Karen is hoping that these two will been re-homed by a very special couple who sadly lost their second greyhound recently as they would be perfect for them. She is just waiting for them to come forward when they are ready but we know it takes time as they take a massive part of our hearts….. Nipper and Betty are waiting x
Nipper and Betty have now both been rehomed.
Betty in her new home and having a laugh with her mum....