Gem - sadly recently passed away suddenly xx
Gem has sadly passed away.
Gem is an 11 year old black female greyhound who has a few health issues now and needs constant care going forward.
She also has a full metal foot where she had a freak accident and broke every bone and toe in her back left foot!
That aside she is one of the most fun loving greyhounds you could wish to meet! Often taking you for a ride around her kennel on her head if she gets chance...because she just adores people and interaction.
That said we did attempt to take her in the house at one point....great for us as we found out she love everyone and everything, including the other house dogs, the parrot and even the cats!! The bengal at the time became her best pal!!! but, she was craving something and each time we let her out or took her out she dragged us towards the kennels! All Gem wanted was to go back to her pals there? She became upset so we took her back in to trial it....and she picked up like her world had be rebuilt! She was so happy! So that is where she is! Our perfect house dog - wants to be a kennel dog!!!
Gem has too many health issues to be rehomed, but there is also the issue of her needing a 'kennel surroundings' so she is a forever kennel girl. x
Gem - sure she's planning something!
Sweet Gem xxx