Nipper and Betty
Nipper is a 3 & half year old male greyhound and Betty is a 3 Year old female greyhound
Nipper is a 3 & half year old male greyhound and Betty is a 3 Year old female greyhound.
Nipper is black with a bit of white and Betty is white and black and as they are kennelled together, they are ‘very much in love’!
They are both always happy to see you, wagging their tails and have lovely temperaments. Karen wants to re-home these two wonderful greyhounds together as they are perfect for each other and it would be a shame for Nipper to lose Betty as he loves his girl.
To be honest, it you are taking one greyhound…you may as well have two! They are such an easy breed. These two will keep each other company too, whilst you are out.
They are desperately looking for their forever home. We must help these two stay together, so if anybody thinks they are right for Nipper & Betty, who are waiting to just love you and make your life as special then contact us via email or on 07811 296029. – You will never look back. X
Karen is hoping that these two will been re-homed by a very special couple who sadly lost their second greyhound recently as they would be perfect for them. She is just waiting for them to come forward when they are ready but we know it takes time as they take a massive part of our hearts….. Nipper and Betty are waiting x
Nipper and Betty have now both been rehomed.
Betty in her new home and having a laugh with her mum....
Brindy -Passed away 12.8.19
Brindy is a lovely male dog...
Brindy is a 9 year old brindle male.
He came to us from a home where he had been passed on from another owner to a lady with a small child.
Whilst Brindy is a loving dog, he should never in our opinion been re-homed to anyone with children as he does have a few issues.
He is quite a noisy boy for a greyhound but this is only for attention for his food and he does need to go straight out after eating as he has not been completely house trained.
It is our belief that he was probably kept as an outside dog before this lady took him on and she was not told the truth.
This did lead to a sad time for not only her but her little girl who had fallen in love with Brindy and also Brindy as he had to be brought into kennels.
We agreed to take him as a emergency case as RGT refused to take him as did the previous owner. Brindy IS an ex racer.
He has a fungal nail infection in all feet and this caused an infection in his leg which is now sorted. If this little girl had been around Brindy and touched him then he could have snapped at her, simly as he was in pain, not because he is nasty because he is not.
Brindy is on the sponsorship scheme for these reasons. We would consider re-homing him to one of our previous owners that knows and understands the more traumatised greyhound or someone who met our requirements and his needs. This would have to be someone very special who is at home full time with no other pets and is willing to take time with him and needs to have no joined on neighbours.
If we cannot find anywhere for Brindy then he will very happily spend his days here with us. We will look after this unique lad. He just needs a lot of attention and understanding.
Patch - Has Sadly Passed Away
Patch was rehomed but unfortunately is now back at the Rescue...
Please Sponsor Patch
This is Patch, she is a very lovable dog.
She was re-homed with a couple but unfortunately, whilst out on a walk, she was badly attacked by another dog. Patch was too traumatised to remain in a home and therefore has returned to the rescue where she will live out her life as a sponsor dog.
Please can you help by sponsoring Patch?
You can sponsor or just provide a one off donation. Any help is welcomed.
Thank you.